
Eight Most Beautiful Campsites In Guangdong

Where do you go on weekends and holidays? Seaside is undoubtedly a good choice. Let's go to the sea together. There are countless seaside islands in Guangdong, and now I recommend the eight most beautiful campsites in Guangdong. The eight most beautiful campsites in Guangdong, you don’t want to go back once you come here.

Eight Most Beautiful Campsites In Guangdong

Guiling Island

There is a myth about the origin of the name "Guiling Island". A long time ago, the King Turtle went down to earth without authorization to make waves and do many evils. In a fit of rage, the Jade Emperor enlightened it, and it happened to land here. It has become today's Guiling Island, and Guiling is the auspicious meaning of the turtle's longevity. Here not only the water quality is clear, the sandy beach is thin, but also the trees are shady. Address: Guiling Island, Jiesheng Town, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province

Yanzhou Island

Yanzhou Island, also known as Dazhou Island, is rich in sea salt and is the only island town in Huizhou. Located between Xunliao Bay and Shuangyue Bay, "the virgin island hidden in the deep boudoir". Located in the subtropics, it is warm and humid all year round. The forest is verdant in all seasons, the beach is gentle and fine in texture, it is a natural beach. In the mangrove shoals, egrets are flying across the wild boats. Basalt beach, a clean and pristine natural environment with few people. Address: Yanzhou Island, Huidong County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province

Black Paijiao

The coastline of "Black Paijiao" is in the Huidong area. The coastline traverses the port, the flat sea and the salt islands. Just because the reef is black, everyone calls it "Black Paijiao". The natural landforms here are changeable and beautiful, with dry, white, wet and black beaches, and strange black reefs. The reef beaches suitable for catching the sea and the winding coastal mountain roads are scenic spots everywhere. Address: Black Paijiao, Yangwu Village, Huidong Coast, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province

Sanmen Island

Sanmen Island, also known as Tuoting Island. Located at the confluence of Dapeng Bay and Daya Bay, it is one of the best-preserved natural ecological islands. The scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, the sea is crystal clear, and the sun shines into a net. It makes you feel like you are in the Maldives, soaking up the sun on the beach of Phuket, Thailand. Address: Sanmen Island, Daya Bay District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province

Shangchuan Island

Shangchuan Island is a relatively small island in Guangdong, and she also has a sister island called Xiachuan Island. There are few people and beautiful scenery here, so it is worth developing. It has a long coastline, beautiful mountains, romantic windmills, and Klein blue sea. Camping in Shangchuan as an islander, enjoying the sea breeze, watching the sunrise and sunset of mountains and seas. Address: Shangchuan Island, Taishan City, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province

Red Paijiao

Shenzhen's Red Paijiao coastline is a little-known niche beach, so it is worth developing. Unlike other beaches, there is no sandy beach here, and the beach is full of pebbles and reefs. The beach is not big, but the water is crystal clear. Volcanic rocks record the vicissitudes of life, and there are also wonderful scenery such as lighthouses, cliffs and sea caves. Address: Red Paijiao, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province

Sangzhou Island

Sangzhou Island is not only beautiful, but also "Little Saipan of Guangdong". The sea water is clear and the sea sand is fine. Mulberry trees are everywhere on the island, and the area near the reef is full of corals and sea urchins. You can snorkel to see coral groups and paddle boards on the sea. At night, you can have bonfires by the sea, beach music parties, and self-service barbecues. Address: Southeast of Xunliao Bay, Huidong County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province

Nan'ao Island

Nan'ao Island is the only island county in Guangdong Province, but it is the "Oriental Hawaii" in a small county. Half of the Wizard of Oz, half of the blue sea and blue sky. In the future, you can hear the birdsong, and you can see the stars at night. Summer can escape the heat, and winter can hide from the world. Among them, Dingpeng Island is truly the most beautiful island of Nan'ao Island. Address: Nan'ao County, Shantou City, Guangdong Province

In the evening, not only watching the sunset on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, but also embracing the sea. Make an appointment with three or five friends, and then prepare some simple ingredients in advance. Plug in the Powerfar outdoor mobile power supply on the beach, and then have an eco-friendly picnic close to nature. Would you like the eight most beautiful campsites in Guangdong?

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When night falls, there will be a simple music evening. The eight most beautiful campsites in Guangdong are very suitable for family group travel and can enhance family harmony.

Look at the bright moon reflected in the tent, and then fall asleep listening to the sound of the waves. In the early morning of the next day, stretch yourself before watching the sunrise. Throw away the troubles that have troubled you for a long time, and then feel the beauty of nature. I hope that the eight most beautiful campsites in Guangdong can help you find spiritual comfort and let yourself go.




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